
Ivermectin and HCQ: HEK research

Preamble:  New drugs are typically no longer discovered through ancient lore of herbalists, trial-and-error or happy coincidences. Instead, basic research at the cellular level is used to explore and understand the mechanisms of both diseases and various chemicals that might counteract those diseases. These discoveries hopefully lead to possible ways to interact specifically in a targeted manner, such as designing new or repurposing old chemicals that might become medicines. These potential medications are then studied in Preclinical trials, consisting of "in-vitro" studies, which study the potential medication's effect on living cells in a petri-dish, vial or flask, and also "in-vivo" studies on insects or animals. The goal is to see if the potential medication might work in that specific situation and also to try to understand what dose would be appropriate to have the desired effect with the fewest toxic effects. This is followed by Phase 1-4 Clinical Trials,...

Monoclonal antibodies and HEK293

I was recently asked (informally) to look into the two monoclonal antibody options on the market and any connection with HEK293 (sometimes known as 293T and 293F, among other names), which is an aborted fetal cell strain from a kidney cell from the 1970s.  I am by no means an expert on this, but I spent some time reading and wanted to pass along so others do not reinvent the wheel. Any corrections appreciated. I also understand that not all referenced articles mean a direct connection to HEK. However, I tried hard to identify articles that were critical to the studying in vitro action of the antibodies by these two companies themselves and used to support preclinical evidence of effectiveness.  There are two currently available monoclonal antibody options in the US: Regen-CoV by Regeneron and Sotrovimab by GSK-Vir.  Regeneron Regeneron isolated something like 30 antibodies to Sars-CoV-2, and then worked on identifying the most effective at the in-vitro cellular level. The...

On the Mystery of the Eucharist - Christ our Pascha, Ukrainian Catholic Catechism

 c. The Mystery of the Eucharist  431 The Mystery of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) is the third of the Mysteries of Christian initiation. In the Eucharist the newly baptized, who was born in Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit, receives the communion of the Body and Blood of Christ at the holy Eucharistic table. But unlike Baptism and Chrismation, which we receive only once, we receive the Mystery of the Eucharist throughout our lives, since it is through this Mystery that we grow in the grace received in Baptism and Chrismation—the grace to be sons and daughters of God. For this reason our Church offers Communion to the newly baptized. 324   432 In the Mystery of Holy Communion, Christ gives us his very self, his Body and Blood, as nourishment for our growth in the new life. At the Mystical Supper (Last Supper) Christ offered himself for us so that we might be able to offer our lives for our neighbour, as he offered his life (see Jn 13:34). Receiving Communion in the...

Prolife Films and Documentaries

  Films and Documentaries Abortion Roe v Wade: The Untold Story   (Spring 2021) Hush:   Gosnell:   Unplanned: Prolife Feminist. 2020  (free):   The Abortion Divide (free): The Conversion of Norma NcCorvey (i.e. Roe) (free)   Voiceless:   Strings Attached (Africa)   The Drop Box (Korea)   4 months (Romanian)   Adoption October Baby:   August Rush  Bella Little Man (free) Crescendo (free)  Juno Precious Surrogacy: Big Fertility: E xposes the distorted vers...

Examination of Conscience for Physicians

Examination of Conscience for Physicians This is a list of questions a physician or other medical professional can prayerfully ask themselves as they prepare for confession or for their own personal repentance and accountability.  Twenty-four of these were from Dr. Greg Burke, as presented at the 2016 Catholic Medical Association 85 th Annual Education Conference; I added the rest and organized them in a way that was meaningful for me. ~ In purity and holiness I will guard my life and my art ~  Hippocrates Personal  1.        Do I do all things solely for the honor and glory of God? 2.        Do I pridefully believe that I am the savior or that I can do my work in my own strength?  3.        Have I completely surrendered to His will for my life, including the vocation of medicine? 4.        Am I ashamed of my Catholic identi...